PGM has TDE.
November 2013

What's a "TDE" ???

The the picture should give you a clue!
Yes --- a TRAM DRIVING EXPERIENCE !!! at Heaton Park, near Prestwich, North Manchester.
They didn' t have a Liverpool Green Goddess (as they do at Crich Tramway Museum) or even a Liverpoop Baby Grand.
However the PGM was honoured to drive Stockport No 5, immediately following the Mayor of Stockport at their tram Gala Day..
His tutor said the PGM was 'a natural' and his masterful control of the air brakes showed talent! At one point he had to use the 'sand on the track' pedal, because of wet leaves.
Now where have we heard that before!? Ed.
Article and Photograph courtesy of Peter Connolly